Monday, June 22, 2009

Scales and Weight

I have a new scale. It's much more accurate than my old spring-dial scale. I actually weigh about 2 lbs more than the old scale indicated. I'm going to just begin recording the new weight and not make any adjustments for the change, so this week I'm up 1.4 lbs to 236.4. If I use the old scale, It has me at 234, but I'm not going to use the old scale any longer as it gives me different readings each time I step on it.

Since it looks like I didn't lose much weight this last week, I need to evaluate what I'm eating against the following guidelines for phase 2 of South Beach:
Protein: Quantity is not limited. (it may be unlimited, but I plan to stick with 1 serving, which is about the size of a deck of cards)
Vegetables: Minimum 1/2 cup.
Fruit: 1 fruit serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 3 total servings for the day.
Starch: 1 starch serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 2 or 3 total servings for the day.
Milk/Dairy: 2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 tsp mayonnaise or oil (optional)

Protein: Quantity is not limited.
Vegetables: Minimum 2 cups.
Fruit: 1 fruit serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 3 total servings for the day.
Starch: 1 starch serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 2 or 3 total servings for the day.
Milk/Dairy: 2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 Tbsp mayonnaise or oil

Protein: Quantity is not limited.
Vegetables: Minimum 2 cups.
Fruit: 1 fruit serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 3 total servings for the day.
Starch: 1 starch serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 2 or 3 total servings for the day.
Milk/Dairy: 2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 Tbsp mayonnaise or oil

Snacks and dessert are optional. Choose a protein, vegetable, fat-free plain yogurt, artificially sweetened non-fat flavored yogurt, nuts/seeds, or a Sweet Treat.

Diet, decaffeinated, sugar-free drinks are not limited. You can enjoy caffeinated coffee or diet sodas with caffeine added, but limit to 1 - 2 servings per day.

To sum it up:

Protein: Quantity is not limited, but I want to stay with 3-4 servings a day
Vegetables: 5 cups a day
Fruit: 1 fruit serving
Starch: 1 starch serving
Milk/Dairy: 2 cups allowed daily
Fat: 3 Tbsp
Snacks/Dessert: a protein, vegetable, fat-free plain yogurt, artificially sweetened non-fat flavored yogurt, nuts/seeds, or a Sweet Treat.

I am definitely falling short on the vegetables, I need to add more to my menu for the day.


  1. Welcome to the Healthy You Challenge! Best wishes to you on your journey!!


  2. His Sweet Gypsy RoseJune 22, 2009 at 11:23 PM

    Thanks, Felicia :)

  3. I also want to say welcome! Good luck on your journey - we are all here to support and cheer you on. :) You can do this!
