Friday, May 22, 2009

Planning for Phase 1, Week 1

Today I'm working on the menu for next week. I've chosen recipes and am determining amounts to buy this weekend.

I found a great resource for South Beach recipes at this site. It has a nice variety of recipes, and they're sorted out by phases.

Here is my menu for the week:

Baked Eggs in Canadian Bacon Cups
Greek Omelet (which I'll likely also make into cups)
For my husband I'll be adding whole grain toast with butter and a cup of milk or orange juice

Snacks (morning and afternoon)
Celery and natural peanutbutter (Trader Joes sells these in a cute little 3 pack with all-natural PB)
Sliced cucumber with a lowfat mozzarella cheese stick

Basil Goat Cheese Chicken
Refrigerator Cucumber Salad
My husband will also be getting either some couscous or rice pilaf

Salmon fillet with lime and dill
Roasted brussels sprouts with garlic and pancetta
As with lunch, I'll be adding couscous or rice pilaf to my husband's meal

Orange Dream Cheesecake
SF Orange Jello

I find it easiest to have the same items for breakfast, lunch and dinner during the week, and to change up the snacks. Next week I'll choose two different items for lunch and dinner so that we have a bit more variety. For now I need to keep it simple.

My husband needs to gain weight, so I'll be supplementing his meals with whole grains, dairy and extra protein.

I'll be cooking all of this on Sunday or Monday, then freezing the food in single portions so that all we need to do each morning is pull that day's meals out of the freezer and go. I don't have a lot of time in the mornings...I get up at 6am and need to be on my way to work around 6:45.

So far this is the plan for next week :)

~ His Sweet Gypsy Rose


  1. I firmly believe planning is KEY to success! :) And thanks for the link to the SB recipe site!!!

  2. His Sweet Gypsy RoseMay 24, 2009 at 1:07 PM

    Planning is essential, I agree. No plan = failure.
