Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why Isn't This Working???

I subscribe to Family Circle magazine. It's one of my favorites along with Better Homes and Gardens. I've never been into entertainment and gossip rags, I don't particularly care who's dating who, who's pregnant, who's cheating, what the latest scandal is, or anything else like that. Now, I will admit that an infrequent guilty pleasure is Weekly World News. Is that still being published? I enjoy the hilarious stories about aliens and the like, the writing is quite clever and is littered with puns.

But back to Family Circle...in the August edition I came across a very interesting article: "8 Reasons Your Diet Isn't Working". Here are some excerpts (Be sure to buy the magazine for the full article):
Reason 1:
You follow the plan that worked for your friend.
Forget about the latest fad diet. Even if your best friend swears she found the secret to weight loss, it might not work for you. Truth is, different methods work for different people.

"The trick to losing weight and keeping it off is finding a diet you like - that way you'll be able to stick with it," says Elizabeth Ward, M.D. author of "The Pocket Idiot's Guide to the New Food Pyramids".

Reason 2:
You eat a small breakfast.
When it comes to your morning meal, size matters - a lot. A recent study found that eating a substantial breakfast can help you lose some serious weight. Ninety-four women were put on a low-calorie diet. But half the women had a big breakfast (610 calories) and the other half a more modest (290 calories) morning meal. The surprising discovery: in just eight months the larger-breakfast group shed, on average, 40 pounds, while their smaller-breakfast counterparts dropped a mere 10 pounds.

Aim for roughly 500 calories. A breakfast made up of a whole-wheat bagel with a tablespoon of trans-fat free margarine, a scrambled egg and an 8-ounce glass of calcium-fortified O.J., or two slices of whole-wheat toast topped with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and a sliced banana fit the bill. Not hungry in the A.M.? It's likely you're eating too much or too late at night. To get your appetite in sync, close your kitchen by 8 P.M.

Reason 3:
You're clueless about calorie counting.
Overeating during meals isn't the only way to pack on weight. Did you know that nibbling on just one extra slice of cheese a day translates to 10 extra pounds a year? Add on that one can of regular soda you treat yourself to every afternoon (just for a quick pick-me-up) and you're up another 15 pounds. Every bite and swallow counts, not just the ones you take when you're sitting down to a meal.

Get a grip on what you're really eating by keeping a food diary. "Food logs are perfect for people who are all-day snackers," says Sari Greaves, R.D., a spokesperson for the American Diabetic Association in New York City. "When you write down what you eat you become much more aware of what you put in your mouth, helping you identify problem areas in your diet." In fact, a 2008 study found that recording what you eat can double the amount of weight you lose.

Reason 4:
You skip meals.
"Many women go without breakfast or lunch because they have a special occasion later or overindulged the night before," says Ward. "Then by 3 P.M. all hell breaks loose." The proof: A USDA Economic Research Service report released earlier this year found that stretching the time between meals from four to five hours causes you to overeat. Waiting six hours makes matters even worse. When you finally do eat, you'll consume substantially more and also choose less healthy options.

"Try to go no more than four hours without having a little something to keep you satisfied," says Elizabeth Smythe, R.D., president of the New York State Dietetic Association. "That way you're not setting yourself up to overdo it at the next meal."

Reason 5:
You load up on superfoods.
Don't be duped. Even good-for-you items like nuts, avocados and dried fruit can undo your diet if you consume too much of them. "To lose weight you must eat fewer calories than you burn," says Greaves. "It's that simple. It's total calories - not the type of calories - that makes or breaks your weight loss efforts.

No matter how carefully you choose your foods, you still must practice portion control.

Reason 6:
You're cancelling out the benefit of your workouts.
Think that hour-long run entitles you to a couple extra slices of pizza? Not so fast. "So many of us rationalize, 'I just did all this exercises, and now I'm entitled to a little splurge,' but it doesn't work that way," says Smythe. The reason? We underestimate how many calories we eat yet overestimate the number we burn exercising. So if you think you've earned a snack after your workout, think again.

If you're genuinely hungry after the gym, by all means go ahead and grab something. The ideal foods for refueling combine protein and carbs, such as 8 ounces of low-fat yogurt with fruit, or 2 tablespoons hummus with 3 whole-grain crackers. "Reward yourself for exercise but not with food," suggests Smythe. Instead, after a certain number of workouts, schedule a manicure or movie marathon Saturday.

Reason 7:
You watch what you eat only Monday to Friday.
"During the week our lives are usually scheduled and organized and so is the way we eat," says Greaves. On Saturday and Sunday that structure goes out the window. And so do our diets, according to a 2008 study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. When researchers tracked dieters' eating habits, they found that people ate the most on Saturday and Sunday (at ate more fat on Saturday than any other day of the week), bringing their weight-loss efforts to a screeching halt.

Make a game plan that allows you to sensibly splurge. Before the weekend starts (say, Thursday night), think about what you'll be doing and where you'll be eating. Then plan where you want to spend your calories and where you want to save. That does not mean skipping some meals. Rather, cut here and there to leave some wiggle room for your favorite weekend indulgences.

Reason 8:
You don't plan for stress.
Even the best diet doesn't account for insane deadlines, fights with your husband or run-ins with your teen. Yet for many of us, eating is the way we unwind at the end of a hard day.

Go ahead and indulge. "The stress of trying to fight it is worse than just giving in," says Ward. Having a small treat like a mini candy bar, single serving container of pudding or low-fat ice cream bar right after dinner can keep you from spending the whole night fighting the urge to splurge. But that's only half the battle. You need other outlets for stress too. Make sure you get some exercise during the day or talk to a friend when you're frazzled - you'll burn off steam and be less likely to want to soothe yourself with snacks.

Criminey! I need to get back on track!!! Talk about a huge eye-opener!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got that eye opener when you needed it. Those are good tips for the reasons we let out diet efforts fail... now we just have to follow the good advice!
