Thursday, July 2, 2009


It's been a couple of days since I posted.  I've been doing ok with my eating, not so consistent with my exercise, and it's pretty much due to stress. 

My beloved cat Riley is sick, and I'm afraid this is it for him.  My sweet husband is taking him to the vet tomorrow morning as Riley hasn't improved much at all, and I'm prepared for the worst.  I'm hoping for the best, though.

I'm so thankful for my husband...Riley has been in my life for over 10 years, and he's that one special pet of a lifetime.  We bonded when I found him at 3 weeks old, and he's my baby cat.  He's been with me through so much and has always been such a sweet and delightful companion.  I can't face taking him to the vet and hearing bad news, so my husband is doing that for me.  If this is the worst, my husband has promised to hold Riley and love on him while he's being put to sleep.  That's a huge comfort to me.  I know my husband loves Riley and will make his last moments full of love.

I won't be walking tonight, just in case.  I plan to spend as much time as I can with my baby cat, holding him and loving on him.  I've done so much crying over the thought of this the last few days, and I'm tearing up now.

If this is the end of the road for Riley, my husband and I are going to have him buried at a local pet cemetary in their country garden area.  I've never wanted to do this for any other pet, but Riley deserves this.  If we owned a house, I'd bury Riley in the backyard, but we rent, so that's not an option.

I'll be back posting tomorrow with news one way or the other.


  1. awwwww :( I'm so so so sorry to hear about Riley. You will be in my thoughts the rest of the day and evening. :( :( :( :: Hugs ::
