Thursday, August 5, 2010

Daily Links

I thought it would be interesting to keep track of the links I visited each day that aren't a part of my regular browsing, kind of like a virtual history of my day-to-day life.  Here are the links I visited yesterday:

Barbecued Pork Sandwich Recipe featured on Martha Stewart - I don't usually watch her show, but stopped on it today and saw this absolutely delicious looking recipe that I want to cook one day.

Cats 101: Ragdolls & Tonkinese Kittens - some friends and I are trying to decide what breed my new kitten may be, Tonkinese came up as a suggestion, as did Ragdolls.

Ted Dekker Library - A friend asked about Ted's books, so I looked up descriptions to suggest which would be good first reads.

Orijen Cat & Kitten Food - I bought a small trial size bag of their kitten food for Spiffy (I will be blogging about him soon) and was curious about the company.

Harvie's Catio - An online friend's catio was featured on this's gorgeous!

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